Week 4
Week 4
Written by Trumann (14 Nov 2021)
What was done this week
For example: Practical 3A represents the recording done by group that went to the FabLab while Practical 3B represents the recording done by group that went to the workshop.
The progress of the Group A will be gone over first.
Week 4 was an overall productive week for Group A. On 8 Nov 2021, the cardboard prototype was build to look out for any design improvements and plan for the acrylic prototype.
Figure 1: Cardboard parts for prototype
Figure 2: Incomplete Cardboard prototype
Figure 3: Completed Cardboard Prototype
Figure 4: New design (Right) and Old design (Left)
The acrylic prototype was built in 2 separate practical sessions. What was done first was to turn on the laser cutter and use the computer linked to it to set up before cutting. The laser cutter settings and the measurement of parts are checked in the CorelDraw software to be correct.
Figure 5: Acrylic board in the laser cutter
After everything was in order, the laser cutting commenced. While waiting, the group of worked on preparing other parts needed for the prototype.
Figure 6: Using handsaw to cut acrylic cylinder
Figure 7: Acrylic parts for prototype
Figure 8: Completed acrylic prototype with solar panel
The complete product was then showed to the team's supervisor but was unfortunately rejected due to the messy glue stains.
After further discussion, it was decided that the another prototype was to be made with coloured/ tinted acrylic boards and acrylic glue. The coloured acrylic boards will make the prototype more presentable and hide any potential glue stains. The acrylic glue will be used with a syringe to provide a better watertight seal and make the gluing neater.